First, let me
elaborate two terms found in the title, “Imagined Community” and “Ideal Mormon
The concept of “Imagined
Community” is from Benedict Anderson, Professor Emeritus from Cornell
University. He is famous for his book Imagined
Communities. According to Anderson, he defines nation as “an imagined
political community and imagined as both inherently limited and sovereign. It is
imagined because the members of even the smallest nation will never know most
of their fellow-members, meet them, or even hear of them, yet in the minds of
each lives the image of the communion” (Note 1). Simply saying, nation is
somehow intangible and it is imagined. Its people connect themselves through
commonalities and other forms.
As for “Ideal
Mormon Women”, the “Mother-In-Zion Syndrome”, an article found in Sunstone, depicts the meaning of ideal
Mormon womanhood. It said “…grinding your own wheat and making your own bread
and have your own garden and taking casseroles over to all the sick and … also
being a perfect mother and an ideal housewife and well-groomed and reading
scriptures every day…the women themselves who carry around with them excessive
expectations of what they should or should not be as Mormons… some of the feel
they have to reach this kind of idealized, crystallized, beautiful Mormon
woman...” (Note 2).
I borrow Anderson’s
concept and apply it to the Mormon women world. The Mormon women group is
definitely not a nation, but we cannot deny that this group of Mormon women
connect themselves together via this imagined ideal Mormon women image regardless
of where each Mormon woman is from, and despite the fact that they do not know
each other in person. There is no written handbook or guidelines on “How to Be
the Perfect Mormon Woman”, but we unconsciously allow the ideal Mormon women
image embedded in our minds and it seems like this is the only legit way to
connect Mormon women from all corners of the earth.
We are living in
this imagined community of ideal Mormon women, no matter you are Mormon women
from Hong Kong, Japan, Samoa, Ghana, Sweden, Canada…etc.
How many of us
realize that the “perfect” Mormon woman actually doesn't exist at all? This “perfect”
Mormon woman “…who is really a myth, a mystique. She doesn't exist at all, in
fact. But all Mormon women in almost any ward you wanted to go into would tell
you they know a woman who is like that…” (Note 3). Have you ever experienced
that? Have you ever questioned this “perfect” Mormon woman?
It is a personal
choice for Mormon women to choose whether to follow these unwritten guidelines
on “How to Be the Perfect Mormon Woman” or be true to herself. I am not here to
judge whether the concept of perfect Mormon women is problematic, instead, I
would like to introduce this concept to you and to provide you another way to
see yourself within the circle of Mormon women. I hope this concept can help
you to see yourself from a different point of view.
I hope you do.
If you don’t,
that’s okay too. I wish you are happy on what you are pursuing and please, don’t
get depressed because you are not close to become the perfect Mormon woman.
Note 1: Anderson,
Benedict. Imagined Communities.
London & New York: Verso, 2006.
Note 2&3:
Sunstone. “Mother-In-Zion Syndrome”. Sunstone
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