Monday, May 12, 2014

Forgiveness— The Strength and Courage in Advocacy

Few nights ago, I was so discouraged and frustrated. My decision of 
moving to a new branch attracted a great deal of attention and a lot of
folks came to my mother inquiring my whereabouts. Some showed
genuine concern about my church attendance however some left
stinging comments speculating my circumstances. These unkind
comments made an already difficult situations more traumatizing. I
was pretty emotional while trying to finish my thesis and for a
whole week my eyes were just puffy. 

One night when I was incorporating the meaning of agency from a
social constructionist view in my thesis, something struck me. Frocult
argued that human being was a “manifestation of discourse”and
Sawicki added that we exercised our agency to choose between
discourses after careful reflection (Burr, 2003). Deep down in my
heart and mind, I understood that because I too had choose a
religious discourse pertaining the justice and equality aspects over
my cultural discourse. 

The next morning I woke up with the clearest epiphany. That is the
reason why the Savior pled, “Forgive them, because they know not
what they do.” (Luke 23:34) It wasn’t the action, the behavior
(crucifying the Savior) that the people didn’t know. Just like everyone
of us, the Jews were so blind-sighted and governed by the discourses
(their culture and traditions) and unfortunately killed the source of
truth who was promised and foreordained to free them. 

I was so overwhelmed by the power and strength of the thought and
the empowerment it brought physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
We can’t force people to see things that they can’t see. All we can to
is continuing in our discourses and be a powerful, positive influences,
a living testimony of our conviction. 

Forgiveness is not a sign of weakness, compromise, nor
indetermination. It is a sign of charity, strength, hope, and conviction
to love even we are ridiculed for the cause that we stand for.
Forgiveness is an attribute of a powerful and effect advocate.

“Here Christ closes the loop between his love for us and our
discipleship.  It's true that Christ doesn't promise security, justice or to
keep us from feeling pain in this life. But that's not the peace that
comes with Christ-like love.  The type of love Christ describes is
neither passive nor abstract. It is active. It is a force that causes us to
see others as the Lord sees them and then requires us to treat them
the way the Lord would treat them. It is the type of love that does
more than feels compassion or sympathy. It seeks out injustice and
suffering wherever it maybe and seeks to heal and reconcile. Paul in
his epistle to the Hebrews calls this "provoking unto love" and
teaches us one of the eternal truths about its power. Hate cannot
defeat hate. Only love can do that.” — Chad Ford

Burr, V. (2003). Social constructionism. New York, NY: Routledge Publishing. 


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